Welcome to Stonehenge II, located in Ingram, Texas. And to think, it all began with a leftover limestone slab from a landscaping project in nearby Hunt, Texas. Stonehenge II was erected as a quirky art project by the late Al Shepperd and his friend and neighbor, Doug Hill, beginning in 1989. It took 9 months to complete.

Shepperd soon added two 13-ft. tall Moai heads after visiting Easter Island, off the coast of Chile.

The structures were eventually moved to its current location at the Hill Country Arts Foundation in 2012. Stonehenge II is 90% as wide and 60% as tall as the original.

The original Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, England. It took over 1,000 years to build, in four stages. Archaeologists believe the final changes were made around 1,500 BC, in the early Bronze Age.

Out of all the mysterious structures in the world, the Easter Island Moai and the large slabs of Stonehenge are perhaps the most famous.

Al Sheppard passed away in 1994. He was a longtime supporter of Hill Country Arts Foundation. His family knew Al would be honored sharing Stonehenge II at its new venue.

Stonehenge II is located at 120 Point Theatre Road in Ingram, Texas. Admission and parking are free. A sign explains details about Stonehenge II. There is even a picnic table under a large shady tree to enjoy a snack while contemplating the structures and the people who created them.