Troubled Bridges: The Upper Mojave Narrows
One of the most interesting developments of 1889 was the San Bernardino County Supervisors’ decision to construct a bridge across the Mojave River, and the angry debate that ensued over the ideal location…
One of the most interesting developments of 1889 was the San Bernardino County Supervisors’ decision to construct a bridge across the Mojave River, and the angry debate that ensued over the ideal location…
There’s nothing quite like an abandoned amusement park. Forlorn, seemingly forgotten and graffiti’d to the hilt, the place still imbues a whimsical peek into better times when it was filled with throngs of sunscreen slathered fun-seeking families and teens…
Times have changed since my first trip through Amboy at about 90 miles an hour. It was 1970 and I was 16, traveling with friends to camp out at Hole in the Wall rustic site in the Providence Mountains…
Remember, some of the graves are hard to see until you get almost right on top of them. Never drive your vehicle where graves may be present. Please do not walk on top of graves. Some have soft earth on them and the unforgiving desert may want to swallow you up…
The first peoples of the Mojave Desert used a rich language of symbolism that could be interpreted by others. Petroglyphs dot rocky landscape throughout the desert and are a remnant of the past. They can be hundreds to thousands of years old.
Sometimes you find some mighty strange things in the desert. Dolls, for instance. Abandoned, ragged, caked with grime. The creepier, all the better…
Learning about the desert is essential, not only for your enjoyment but your safety too. We offer advice about interesting places to explore, including history and tips to make your trip fun. Please remember the desert is not your friend. It could have deadly consequences. A little planning ahead goes a long way.
Those unfamiliar with the desert often remark about how dead it looks. Colors of browns and grays. Spindly looking shrubs and trees. Where’s the wildlife hiding? Let us open your eyes to the hardy, thriving flora and fauna of this magnificent desert we call home…
Things can get bizarre in the desert but it usually just adds to our fun. Man, do we have some tales to tell. Thanks for tagging along with us as we explore the mystery and majesty of the Mojave Desert, one exciting road trip at a time. There’s beauty in the subtle, stark and sublime….