We’re not saying Apple Valley, California, is in the middle of nowhere, although Los Angelinos may argue differently.
This 62 foot labyrinth is great place to go to clear your head and get back in touch with nature. To listen to the wind and not much else. And there’s usually lots and LOTS of wind.
These are some our favorite photos from many visits…
What a hidden treasure.
Behold our desert
Walk the labyrinth mindfully by entering an open footpath into the maze.
Do not step or jump across the rocks. Just allow yourself to follow the concentric paths to the center. Enjoy the peaceful vibes here but please do not disturb this
spiritual place.
The winds were really whipping on the day John, my sister, Dawn, and yours truly visited the labyrinth.
Just another normal day in
Rumor has it that neighbors in the area built the labyrinth but nobody has come forward to confirm it. Some say one day it wasn’t there but the next day it was.
The desert, after all, guards her
Almost there. Wait, who turned out the lights?!
Please protect the labyrinth by practicing leave no trace principles.
This is a
magical place.
Despite its popularity, of all the times we’ve visited here we’ve never come across anyone else at this spot.
We hope you enjoy the same
Immerse yourself in the New Age California hippie vibe we’ve come to know and love. The photo (top of this page) was taken under the Strawberry Moon during Summer Solstice. That’s me in the middle of the labyrinth, making a big heart with a flash light.
Sunset or sunrise from this vantage point is other worldly beautiful and
Just call me Angel of the Morning. Behold my mighty wings.
Home is where your heart says,
“I am not an atheist but an earthiest.
to the earth.”
~Edward Abbey
I’m not sure what’s happening here. I’m pretty sure it had something to do with aliens.
To access Fairview Dry Lake in Apple Valley, from Waalew Road, go past Central, turn right on Joshua Road, go past South, then turn left (east) on Cahuilla towards Laguna Seca.
Or from Hwy 18 towards Lucerne Valley, turn sharp left to Joshua Road, go past Thunderhead then turn right on Cahuilla, which eventually turns into dirt. Go about a mile.
Turn left on any improved dirt road towards the dry lake. The labyrinth is on the southwest side of the lake. It’s hard to see from a distance until you’re almost on it. High clearance vehicles recommended. There are other ways to get there such as Johnson Road, so check ahead to decide which is best for you.
I have your rock hahhsa holding it ransom